Hello everyone!
It’s SkyDrag0n from Thebes. This guide will be mainly about Invasion bosses, how to locate them and what to do when fighting against them. I tried to include as many pictures as i can to show what they are like. For further information on their appearances, feel free to watch ArcanicVoid’s Historical Invasion playlist on Youtube.
For(In our server at least) we can’t complete the other 2 Invasions, namely ‘Chang An Invasion’, ‘March of the Living Dead’, i will be excluding those in this guide.
At least untill a day where we finally have enough people to wipe them out, or have Valofe fix the amount of monsters thrown at us. So then, let’s begin.
About the Invasion Bosses
- They are 2x bigger than the ordinary monsters, so there’s no way you could miss them(except Anck Su Namun’s Servant, who camouflages with the ground he spawns at).
- They follow a spawn order. Sometimes they forget to spawn, so i’ll try to give approximate minute-lines. They all spawn in the given order on this guide.
- They hit a ton, and have medium to godlike defenses. If your gear is not strong enough, you are highly likely to use meatshield technique, So carrying resurrection scrolls is necessary.
- They have %20-%30 more of a chance to drop Riederan’s Ring Boxes than normal monsters.
That one at top left is the Ring Box. That’s our ultimate goal.
- All of them have damage return abilities, meaning once you hit them, a portion of what you hit will be returned back to your character.
- A Warlord (Khun Phaen) is almost obligatory, for his Demoralize skill seals their damage return and weakens them.
- Some of them ignore defense.
- Equipments that disregard defense are convenient to use.
- Killing them contributes on your victory reward. Meaning you get as many shards as the 2nd or 3rd on killing rank.
- Spawn spots may vary but all of them spawn at the exact locations randomly. They spawn nowhere outside of the locations given on the screenshots, so don’t even try looking other places!
About Pharaoh’s Invasion:
One of the simpler invasions for the boss spotting.Bosses always spawn at the same area but at different spots. If you’re not strong enough, i highly recommend killing monsters than hunting for the bosses, for the chance of winning of this Invasion is higher than the other ones.
1. Passing Napoleon [What is this place?]
- Napoleon appears near Barcelona at the festival Area
- Spawns right at 16th minute OR 17th minute
- Is a cannon boss and can hit anywhere on your team
- Damage reflect ability [physical damage & debuff / proc]
- Use a Warlord to dispel the reflect
- Has high defense, high damage [can ignore defense]
- Once spawns, engages on other people’s battles instantly
- Sometimes hits literally 2 or 3 damage.
2. Anck Su Namun’s Servant [Fight…Here?]
- If Napoleon is killed fast enough, Spawns between 9-12th minutes
- The servant appears just southwest of the Vienna
- Hits a column on your team
- Damage return [physical damage & debuff / proc reflect]
- Use a Warlord to dispel the reflect
- Medium defense, medium damage [also can ignore defense]
- Doesn’t engage with others’ battle, but camouflages with the ground.
- One of the easier bosses
3. Anck Su Namun [You’re not too busy for me, I hope]
- Anck Su Namun appears at the west of Grimm Woods
- If the servant is killed fast enough, spawns between 6-10
- Staff user, single target
- Damage return [physical damage & debuff / proc reflect]
- Use a Warlord to dispel the reflect
- Can stun on hit
- Can freeze any column if not sealed
- Medium damage, medium defense
4. Summon Gate [Grr…]
- Spawns toward the last ~6 minutes (5:45-6:45)
- Exact spawn varies – it spawns nearby Northern Europe portal
- Hits like a tower on GDs and NDs
- Damage return [physical damage & debuff / proc reflect]
- Use a Warlord to dispel the reflect
- Can stun on hit – AoE is also pretty nasty
- Godlike defense, godlike damage
About Wild West:
This one spawns more bosses although the main goal is to kill 12,000 to 15,000 monsters (depending on the population of the server).Killing them contribute lots both on individual and general score. Bosses spawn at random spots on same locations(except for a few whose percentage of spawning at a fixed spots is really high). For the places are fixed i’ll be posting the pictures first.(It’s advisable to put the locations on favorites list).
Boss Locations:
1. Elegant Bartender [Care for a drink? Heheheh..]
- Elegant Bartender spawns consecutively with Chef Gunner around 17-18th minutes
- Hits like a spear, although she is ranged herself
- Damage return [physical damage & debuff / proc reflect]
- Use a Warlord to dispel the reflect
- Medium-low damage and medium defense
- Has a magic skill that doesn’t do too much
- Has another magic skill that acts like Blazing Earth
- One of the easier bosses
2. Chief Gunner [I’ll show you the fastest gun in the west!]
- Spawns consecutively with Elegant bartender around 17-18th minutes.
- Hits like a spear, though he’s a gun
- Damage return [physical damage & debuff / proc reflect]
- Use a Warlord to dispel the reflect
- Low defense and medium offense
- Perhaps the easiest boss of them all
3. Hawkeye [Go ahead. Try my aim.]
- If the first two is killed fast enough, spawns between 13-16th minutes of the invasion. Usually spawns together with First Rate Mafioso
- Hits a row, gun at best
- Damage return [physical damage & debuff / proc reflect]
- Use a Warlord to dispel the reflect
- Medium-high damage, medium defense
- Don’t even try if your might is around 4,5-5,5m, try calling for reinforcements.
- Good gears are required.
4. First Rate Mafioso [Eat lead!]
- Spawns together with Hawkeye
- Pretty much like the Chef Gunner but stronger
5. Punk Leader [Down with the establishment!]
- If killed fast enough, spawns between 10-13 minutes. Spawns consecutively with Rock-n-Roll Baby.
- Hits like a dualblade
- Damage return [physical damage & debuff / proc reflect]
- Use a Warlord to dispel the reflect
- Medium defense, medium damage
- Has a weird skill which heals you and negates auxiliary buffs
6. Rock-n-Roll Baby [Time to rock!]
- If killed fast enough, spawns between 9-13 minutes. Spawns consecutively with Punk Leader.
- Hits like an instrument
- Damage return [physical damage & debuff / proc reflect]
- Use a Warlord to dispel the reflect
- Medium defense, medium offense
7.Devil’s Violinist Paganini [No Quotation Available]
- Spawns between 8-10 minutes. Spawns together with Frank Reade.
- Like Rock-n-Roll baby. But stronger.
8.Frank Reade [You want justice? I’ll show you justice…]
- Spawns between 8-10 minutes. Spawns together with Devil’s Violinist Paganini.
- Hits like a saw.
- Has a great amount of defense, low accuracy
- Damage return [physical damage & debuff / proc reflect]
- Use a Warlord to dispel the reflect
9.Wild Christine [There’s a new sheriff in town!]
- Spawns between 5-8 minutes together with Wild Jessica.
- Like Hawkeye, but MUCH MUCH MUCH STRONGER.
10.Wild Jessica [You feel the gaze of the Bounty Hunter on your back…]
- Spawns between 5-8 minutes together with Wild Christine.
- Just like Frank Reade (Probably)
- She has high defense and high damage
- Damage return [physical damage & debuff / proc reflect]
- Use a Warlord to dispel the reflect
- Has a weird skill that heals your row and raises her defense in return.
60% spawns at the crossroad of Stonehenge: X:630 / Y:1602
Author’s Notes:
One of the side reasons behind my preparing of this guide was for the campers who brought alts to camp spawn points and preoccupy them until their main characters came and took it away. This is so not fair. No one should be deprived from the fun because of your greed. I’m not judging the use of alts, but infringing the rights of others while doing it. Don’t let them get what is yours.
Other than that, take your place on the invasion, and get ready to kick some major ass!