This guide is intended for the player-base that is either new or just getting back into the game. These players may not know what’s worth running and the dungeons that are better to avoid. Avoiding gold sinks can help the newer players to prosper in the current market.
Reference: Atlantica Online / Dungeons; Feel free to give your input.
ESSENTIAL: Have a great guild + nation for the best possible experience!
Indi Dungeons:
- Olympus Tower I – EXP! – daily
- Minimum Level: 60
- Entrance Fee: None
- Rewards: None
- Loot: [equipment boxes based on level]
- gold
- Forgotten Scion’s Artifact
- Evil Equipment Box
- Pegasus Equipment Box
- Dark Pegasus Equipment Box
- Judgment Equipment Box
- Twilight Equipment Box
- chance at Jupiter’s Authority
- *NOTE* drop rate extremely low for equipment boxes
- Bosses: Roaming
- Formation: ALL
- Time Limit: 30 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): resets daily (6 AM Server time (Pacific time))
- This is a free for all monster mop-up, like the name states. Go in and kill until the time runs out. Experience is great, even at higher levels. Tip: mob groups with a boss (Werewolf King Faheros or Chironia) give more EXP than those without a boss.
- Forbidden Abyss – check the current cost vs. possible loot profit
- Minimum Level: 90
- Recommended Level: 100
- Entrance Fee: Sea King’s Scale
- market [fairly expensive]
- NPC Pointry: 150 battle points
- Rewards: Ethereal Light Orb ×1-3
- Loot:
- gold
- other trash
- Dexterity Star Stones [I only] ×15-30
- Mob count: 170
- Formation: Main +5
- Time Limit: 30 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 20 hours
- Arachne’s Nest – check the current cost vs. possible loot profit
- Minimum Level: 94
- Recommended Level: 105
- Entrance Fee: Arachne’s Web
- market [fairly expensive]
- NPC Pointry: 200 battle points
- Rewards: Arachne’s Egg
- Loot:
- gold
- other trash
- Intelligence Star Stones [I only] ×10-20
- Mob count: 41
- Formation: Main +5
- Time Limit: 60 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 20 hours
- Lerna’s Labyrinth – check the current cost vs. possible loot profit
- Minimum Level: 105
- Recommended Level: 115
- Entrance Fee: Hydra’s Claw
- market [fairly expensive]
- Ornate Treasure Map
- Rewards: Hercules’ Loot
- Loot:
- gold
- other trash
- Strength Star Stones [I only] ×10-20
- Mob count: 40
- Formation: Main +5
- Time Limit: 50 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 20 hours
- Olympus Tower V – profit! – EXP! – daily
- Minimum Level: 120
- Recommended Level: 135
- Entrance Fee: 20,000,000 gold
- Rewards: None
- Loot:
- Bosses: Roaming
- Formation: ALL
- Time Limit: 30 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): resets daily (6 AM Server time (Pacific time))
- This is a free for all monster mop-up, like the name states. Go in and kill until the time runs out. Experience is less at higher levels, but still great! Monsters drop a pretty nice number of gear boxes, so make sure you loot all the dead mobs you can. Highly recommended as a daily run for Lv 130+ players.
- Ancient Lava Valley [Skirmish] – CSS! – daily
- Minimum Level: 125
- Recommended Level: 135
- Entrance Fee: Ancient Treasure Map
- market [decent price usually]
- Old Treasure box
- Sturdy Treasure Box
- Troy TBS boxes
- Rewards: Magma Essence
- trash most of the time
- Colorful Soul Stone [for Lv. 120 main quest]
- Rainbow Soul Stone
- Shiny Soul Stone
- Heavenly Crystal ×6
- Multi-Hued Soul Crystal ×10
- Loot:
- gold
- other trash
- Enchant Stone [IV]
- Enchant Stone [V]
- Conqueror’s Equipment Box [store in jackpot]
- Freezing Equipment Box [store in jackpot]
- Divine Equipment Box [store in jackpot]
- Phoenix Equipment Box [store in jackpot]
- Heavenly Crystal [small chance – from boss]
- Mob count: 40
- Formation: ALL
- Time Limit: 50 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 20 hours
- Tomb of Immortals – profit! – daily
- Minimum Level: 130
- Recommended Level: 140
- Entrance Fee: Tombkeeper’s Lantern
- market [fixed price] @100m
- Rewards: Immortal Gift
- Atlantis Silver Coin [×500 / ×1000]
- Atlantis Gold Coin [×150 / ×300 / ×500]
- Atlantis Platinum Coin [×20 / ×30 / ×50]
- Immortal Bow
- Oriharukon ×20
- & various trash equipment boxes
- Loot:
- gold
- Immortal Bow [from boss]
- Mob count: 40
- Formation: Main +5
- Time Limit: 30 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 20 hours
- Corrupted Hanging Garden – profit [necklace drop] – ×2 per week
- Minimum Level: 130
- Recommended Level: 150
- bring some strong friends!
- bring a magic sealer mercenary for last boss!
- Entrance Fee: Corrupted Key [No Trade]
- NPC Collector Barteau: 200 Lucky Coins
- Rewards: Corrupted Treasure Chest
- trash most of the time
- Necklaces
- Brilliant Ruler Necklace [Str+Dex+Int+Vit]
- Sharp Ruler Necklace [Dex-heavy]
- Shining Ruler Necklace [Int-heavy]
- Tough Ruler Necklace [Str-heavy]
- Orbs
- Corrupted Ruler Orb [No Trade / Dex-heavy]
- Noble Ruler Orb [No Trade / Dex-heavy]
- Tough Ruler Orb [No Trade / Str-heavy]
- Wise Ruler Orb [No Trade / Int-heavy]
- Loot:
- gold
- other trash
- Evil Phoenix’s Equipment Box
- Evil Dragon God’s Equipment Box
- same necklaces & orbs as “Rewards”
- Bosses: 4
- Formation: Main +5, and Tiamat boss is Skirmish [ALL]
- Time Limit:
- 15 minutes
- 5 extra minutes per boss kill
- Cooldown (CD): 20 hours
- Olympus Tower VIII – profit! – EXP! – daily
- Minimum Level: 135
- Recommended Level: 160
- Entrance Fee: 100,000,000 gold
- Rewards: None
- Loot:
- gold
- Forgotten Scion’s Artifact
- Judgment Equipment Box
- Twilight Equipment Box
- high chance: Jupiter’s Authority [×0-5 per run]
- Bosses: two variations
- Formation: ALL
- Time Limit: 20 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): resets daily (6 AM Server time (Pacific time))
- Similar to a monster mop-up; avaiable to run with friends/guild mates/etc, but each player has to pay a separate Entrance Fee. Tons of EXP! Look out for the boss’ magic. One of them can stun your entire formation.
- Olympus Tower X – profit! – EXP! – daily
- Minimum Level: 145
- Recommended Level: 160
- Entrance Fee: 200,000,000 gold
- Rewards: None
- Loot:
- Bosses: Roaming
- Formation: ALL
- Time Limit: 30 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): resets daily (6 AM Server time (Pacific time))
- Great place for experience. Monsters are strong and box drop rate is decent enough to cover your entrance fee. Recommended to run every day for good drops and experience.
- Grimm Woods – profit! – daily
- Minimum Level: 155
- Recommended Level: 155
- bring a magic sealer mercenary for boss!!!
- Entrance Fee: Grimm Key
- @market usually for 200-300m
- repeatable Brother’s Grimm quest
- drops from Dusty Grimm Box
- Rewards: Dusty Grimm Box
- Atlantis Gold Coin [×50 / ×100 / ×150 / ×250]
- Atlantis Platinum Coin [×15 / ×25]
- Grimms’ Magic Source [+0 / +5]
- Grimms’ Fairy Tales
- Grimm Key
- Mother Hulda [I / II / III / IV / book]
- Musicians of Bremen [I / II / III / IV / book]
- Red Riding Hood [I / II / III / IV / book]
- Purified Enchant Stone ×10
- Purified Enhance Stone ×10
- & various equipment boxes
- Loot:
- gold
- other trash
- Purified Enchant Stone
- Purified Enhance Stone
- “Dusty Grimm Box” contents can be looted from boss
- [only some – not sure yet on which exactly]
- Mob count: 20
- Formation: Main +5
- Time Limit: 20 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 20 hours
- Dark Abyss [Skirmish] – profit! – daily
- Minimum Level: 155
- Recommended Level: 155
- Entrance Fee: Furious Sea King’s Wrath
- market [fixed price] @30m
- Rewards: Sea King’s Treasure
- Gold Eagle Star Stones [I & II]
- Gold Ram Star Stones [I & II]
- Dexterity Star Stones [I & II]
- Intelligence Star Stones [I & II]
- Strength Star Stones [I & II]
- Vitality Star Stones [I & II]
- Loot:
- gold
- Gold Eagle Star Stones [I & II] ×0-2
- Gold Ram Star Stones [I & II] ×0-2
- Dexterity Star Stones [I & II] ×2-6
- Intelligence Star Stones [I & II] ×2-6
- Strength Star Stones [I & II] ×2-6
- Vitality Star Stones [I & II] ×2-6
- Mob count: ?
- Formation: ALL
- Time Open: 30 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 20 hours
- Underground Temple of Life – profit! – daily
- Minimum Level: 160
- Recommended Level: 160
- prepare buffs / feasts
- sub 5m Might forms could struggle
- Entrance Fee: Azi Dahaka’s Shining Seal
- market [fixed price] @50m
- Rewards: Pot of Vitality
- Gold Eagle Star Stones [I & II]
- Gold Ram Star Stones [I & II]
- Dexterity Star Stones [I & II]
- Intelligence Star Stones [I & II]
- Strength Star Stones [I & II]
- Vitality Star Stones [I & II]
- Loot:
- gold
- Gold Eagle Star Stones [I & II] ×0-2
- Gold Ram Star Stones [I & II] ×0-2
- Dexterity Star Stones [I & II] ×2-6
- Intelligence Star Stones [I & II] ×2-6
- Strength Star Stones [I & II] ×2-6
- Vitality Star Stones [I & II] ×2-6
- Mob count: 30
- Formation: Main +5
- Time Limit:
- 15 minutes
- 5 extra minutes per boss kill
- 8 minutes from time defense boss
- Cooldown (CD): 20 hours
Olympus Tower:
Check Olympus Tower for a more extensive description of the other OT dungeons.
- 1/5/8/10/13/16
- Are great EXP grinding + a bit of income.
- Depends on levels / magic damage capability / equipment.
- Specifically 13/16 can be a bit tough/slow if not prepared right.
- 6
- Timing is important to find multiple boss spawns at specific times.
- Most players don’t do this anymore, so higher chance of finding a boss.
- 7/12
- Solo instances where there’s a bit of income. Not very profitable though.
- 14/15/16/17
- More difficult OTs where builds are important to clear efficiently.
Guild Dungeons:
- Training Center – with guild [daily if possible]
- Recommended Level:
- 100 for small mobs
- 150+ for bosses [pre-5th Stage]
- 165+ for bosses – with a heavy hitter [post-5th Stage]
- Entrance Fee: 5000 guild points [only method]
- Rewards: [completion of each stage]
- 1st Stage (1-908): Common Training Supply Box ×5
- 2nd Stage (909-1900): Common Training Supply Box ×10
- 3rd Stage (1901-2983): Common Training Supply Box ×15
- 4th Stage (2984-4150): Common Training Supply Box ×20
- 5th Stage (4151-5408): Quality Training Supply Box ×15
- 6th Stage (5409-6750): Quality Training Supply Box ×20
- 7th Stage (6751-8183): Quality Training Supply Box ×25
- 8th Stage (8184-9700): Quality Training Supply Box ×30
- 9th Stage (9701-11308): Premium Training Supply Box ×25
- 10th Stage (11309-13000): Premium Training Supply Box ×30
- Loot:
- gold
- jackpot trash
- Emblem of Training
- Exchange with NPC Mercurius
- Large Diamond [usually jackpot on]
- Freezing Equipment Box [store in jackpot]
- Divine Equipment Box [store in jackpot]
- Phoenix Equipment Box [store in jackpot]
- Dexterity Star Stones [I & II] ×2-8
- Intelligence Star Stones [I & II] ×2-8
- Strength Star Stones [I & II] ×2-8
- Vitality Star Stones [I & II] ×2-8
- Mob Count: 13,000
- Formation: ALL
- Time Limit: 60 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 20 hours
- Recommended Level:
- Revolution – with guild [x3 per week]
- Recommended Level:
- 100 for small mobs
- 130 for cannons
- 140 for mini-bosses / tents
- Entrance Fee: Operation Orders
- Broken Cannonball ×100
- Exchange with NPC John Jay
- Patriot quest
- market @10-20b
- Broken Cannonball ×100
- Rewards: Patriot’s Precious Treasure Chest ×230-300
- Loot:
- gold
- other trash
- Broken Ammunition [Patriot books & more]
- Exchange with NPC John Jay
- Broken Cannonball [Patriot quest item]
- Exchange with NPC John Jay
- Patriot’s Coffer
- Vitality Star Stones [I & II] ×2-10
- Formation: Main +6
- Time Limit: 60 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 40 hours
- Recommended Level:
- Valley of Oblivion – with guild [×3 per week]
- Recommended Level: 100
- Entrance Fee: Cube of Amnesia
- 1500 guild points
- market @50-150m
- Rewards: Evil Protector’s Secret Chest ×40-60
- mostly drops trash
- Elementalist quest items:
- Crystal Ball of Harmony
- Feather of the Oath
- Cube of Amnesia
- Elementalist books [I & II]
- Loot:
- gold
- other trash
- Blazing Earth [I / book / able to jackpot]
- Freezing Atmosphere [I / book / able to jackpot]
- Freezing Equipment Box [store in jackpot]
- Divine Equipment Box [store in jackpot]
- Phoenix Equipment Box [store in jackpot]
- Intelligence Star Stones [I & II] x5-25
- Evil Protector’s Box [from bosses only]
- mostly drops trash
- Elementalist quest items:
- Crystal Ball of Harmony
- Feather of the Oath
- Cube of Amnesia
- Elementalist books [I & II]
- Formation: ALL
- Time Limit: 120 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 40 hours
Nation Dungeons:
- Note: NDs’ loot has been updated; can now additionally loot Nation Token(s)
- Alcatraz Prison – with nation [×2-3 per week]
- Recommended Level: 100
- Entrance Fee: Alcatraz Key
- 5000 guild points
- market [usually cheap]
- Rewards: Elite Prison Officer’s Secret Chest ×260-310
- Updated Version:
- Updated Version:
- Loot:
- gold
- other trash
- Divine Equipment Box [store in jackpot]
- Phoenix Equipment Box [store in jackpot]
- Dragon God’s Equipment Box
- Evil Equipment Box
- Pegasus Equipment Box
- Dark Pegasus Equipment Box
- Judgment Equipment Box
- Elite Prison Officer’s Secret Chest
- Vitality Star Stones [I & II] ×15-45
- Formation: Main +6
- Time Limit: 90 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 40 hours
- Avalon – with nation [×2 per week] – Not that great for low levels, for the exception of the reward boxes. If you do go to the ND, stay out of the higher level players’ way and allow them to join your fights. Do not enter the 2nd floor until they allow you to.
- Recommended Level: 130
- Entrance Fee: Avalon Key
- 7500 guild points
- market [usually cheap]
- Rewards: [×1 1st floor, ×1 2nd floor, ×3 3rd floor]
- also based on statue kills / boss damage
- King Arthur’s Trophy [Lv. 1-130]
- King Arthur’s Fancy Trophy [Lv. 131-160]
- King Arthur’s Holy Trophy [Lv. 161-180]
- Loot:
- gold
- other trash
- Guardian Sheath [I / book / cannot jackpot]
- King’s Command [I / book / cannot jackpot]
- Sage Sword Excalibur [I / book / cannot jackpot]
- Barrier Fragment of the Lake
- Strength Star Stones [I & II] ×0-5
- Formation: Main +4
- Time Limit: 120 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 60 hours
- Ghost Ship of the Caribbean – with nation [whenever convenient]
- Recommended Level: 100
- Entrance Fee: Ghost Commander’s Key
- 3000 guild points
- market [usually cheap]
- Rewards: Pirate King’s Secret Chest ×300
- Updated Version:
- Updated Version:
- Loot:
- gold
- other trash
- Blood Vengeance [I / book / able to jackpot]
- Crimson Blade [I / book / able to jackpot]
- Marauder’s Edge [I / book / able to jackpot]
- Toxic Sword [I / book / able to jackpot]
- Davy Jones’ Heart [Pirate quest item / last boss]
- Dexterity Star Stones [I & II] ×5-15
- Formation: Main +6
- Time Limit: 120 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 20 hours
- Tower of Babel – with nation [×2-3 per week]
- Recommended Level: 100
- Entrance Fee: Chaos Key
- 7500 guild points
- market [usually cheap]
- Rewards: Astarte’s Secret Chest ×230-300
- Updated Version:
- Updated Version:
- Loot:
- gold
- Dragon God’s Equipment Box
- Evil Equipment Box
- Pegasus Equipment Box
- Dark Pegasus Equipment Box
- Judgment Equipment Box
- Sparta [I / book / able to jackpot]
- War Cry [I / book / able to jackpot]
- Strength Star Stones [I & II] ×5-15
- Mob count: 105-1st Floor / 168-2nd Floor / 153-3rd Floor (Initial Spawns)
- Formation: ALL
- Time Limit: 60 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 40 hours
- Yggdrasil’s Three Gateways – with nation [×2-3 per week]
- Recommended Level: 100
- Entrance Fee: World Tree Gateway Key
- 7000 guild points
- market [usually cheap]
- Rewards: Yggdrasil’s Secret Chest ×230-300
- Updated Version:
- Updated Version:
- Loot:
- gold
- other trash
- Dragon God’s Equipment Box
- Evil Equipment Box
- Pegasus Equipment Box
- Dark Pegasus Equipment Box
- Judgment Equipment Box
- Odin’s Chain [I / book / able to jackpot]
- Quickening [I / book / able to jackpot]
- Valhalla’s Sword [I / book / able to jackpot]
- Skuld Model [from the Skuld boss]
- Skuld Statue [from the Skuld boss]
- Urd Model [from the Urd boss]
- Urd Statue [from the Urd boss]
- Verdandi Model [from the Verdandi boss]
- Verdandi Statue [from the Verdandi boss]
- Yggdrasil’s Secret Chest from Skuld/Urd/Verdandi
- Intelligence Star Stones [I & II] ×5-15
- Mob count: 100-1st Floor / 197-2nd Floor / 132-3rd Floor (Initial Spawns)
- Formation: Main +6
- Time Limit: 60 minutes
- Cooldown (CD): 40 hours
explain avalon nd floor 1 2 3 pls
how to get in indi dungeons olympus tower I bro?
Which version of AO are you playing? If it’s the Indo one, I don’t think OT exists there yet.
Olympus Tower is available on the right side of the screen along the buttons section – a Gold Tower.
Hi ArcanicVoid, just wondering if there would be any updates to this guide now that its almost 9 months after the last time you posted this? I’m a returning player, so I’ve been following your site closely.
Thanks and love what you have here. The info really helps alot.
Perhaps I can update it to a current trend; the guide was more or less meant to try to stand the test of time (1 year or so). Prices (and profits) vary so often, it’s never going to be accurate.
Came back to check out the game. While nothing really changed much since end of 2016, the economy just went complete nutz. Still trying to wrap my head around it, trying to figure out what worth doing and what not. The lvl recommendation from the game sometime really abit vague, as it still depend on how good is player’s gear.
Yeah, it’s hard to ascertain what a player can handle in each dungeon unless you go into great detail with minimum levels to try them out personally.
Basically trial by practice is the best way to verify how a dungeon is and you won’t really know the dungeon until you do it yourself or watch a full video of it.
how to get holy artemis necklace? I’ve been looking around all over the place and not even this guide mentions it. Thanks in advance.
Also updated Alcatraz – which the box drops from the mobs and is the reward for completing the ND.
Thanks for the guide!
No problem
My gosh how the hell hace u some much info abt all !! Really good arc.