I will update this as more patches related to the Purification Tower are released.
- Introduction:
- New dungeon added to the southwest of Rome
- Adds a passage behind the Crassus [NPC] in the Rome Bazaar
- Sardinia Harbor is view-able via the World Map
- No level restrictions on entering Sardinia Harbor [Lv. 160~ mobs]
- Admission into the actual Purification Tower requires a key
- Can loot [1st Floor Key] off of the mobs in Sardinia Harbor
- 4 floors for this dungeon [not including Sardinia Harbor]
- New dungeon added to the southwest of Rome
Provides a quest [Lv. 160] on the coast of Sardinia.
- Sardinia Harbor
- Loot:
Corps Emblem ×1-4
Purifying Tower : 1F [key] ×1
Unstable alternate dimension [Beg] ×1
- Mobs:
- Danger Monitoring Device
- Life Control Weapon
- Life Detection Weapon
- Life Monitoring Weapon
- Loot:
Purifying Tower : 1F
- Each floor is available for 30 minutes for each key used to enter.
- Loot:
Corps Emblem ×1-4
Purifying Tower : 2F [key] ×1
Unstable alternate dimension [Int] ×1
- Mobs:
- Legion Artillery Beast
- Legion Battle Fighter
- Legion Battle Infantry
- Legion Battle Spider
Purifying Tower : 2F
- Loot:
Corps Emblem ×1-4
Purifying Tower : 2F [key] ×1
Unstable alternate dimension [Int] ×1
- Mobs:
- Legion Artillery Beast
- Legion Battle Fighter
- Legion Battle Infantry
- Legion Battle Spider
Commander Ephis [boss’ loot]
Crack of Emptiness (MK-8) ×1
Purifying Tower : 3F [key] ×1
- 8th Corps’ Flag [Quest – Prelude to War] ×1
- Loot:
Purifying Tower : 3F
- Haven’t explored this one personally yet
Purifying Tower : 4F
- Haven’t explored this one personally yet
Enraged Ruler Loki [boss’ loot]
Crack of Emptiness (Sticky Mucus) ×1
Unstable alternate dimension [Beg]:
Space Stabilizer [Beg] is used to unseal this [random] box
Phoenix Destructive stone ×5-15
MK-6R (3-days) ×1
Shard of Emptiness ×2-10
Unstable alternate dimension [Int]:
Space Stabilizer [Int] to unseal this [random] box
Phoenix Destructive stone ×10-30MK-6R (3-days) ×1
Purifying Tower : 1F [key] ×1
Purifying Tower : 2F [key] ×1
Shard of Emptiness ×5-20
Unstable alternate dimension [Adv]:
- N/A at this time
Phoenix Destructive stone:
- Obtainable from:
Battle Supply Smuggler
Unstable alternate dimension [Beg] ×2-10
Unstable alternate dimension [Int] ×2-10
- Charm with Attack Power (2500-5000) stats
- Obtainable from:
MK-6R (3-days) [Necklace]:
- Obtainable from:
Unstable alternate dimension [Beg]
Unstable alternate dimension [Int]
- cannot be altered/enhanced/etc.
- Permanent version is unavailable at this time
- MK-6R [perm.] is part of the [mercenary only] gear set
- Obtainable from:
Crack of Emptiness (MK-8):
- [
Stone of Emptiness ×100] to unseal this [random] box
MK-8 ×1
Stone of Emptiness ×1-50
Unstable alternate dimension [Beg] ×2-10
Unstable alternate dimension [Int] ×2-10
- Obtainable from Purification Tower [2nd Floor boss]
- [
MK-8 [Gloves]:
- Cannot be enhanced via Vulcanus
- Can be enhanced via Atlas
- Part of [mercenary only] gear set
- Special Ability: Magic Damage Reduction [10%]
Crack of Emptiness (Sticky Mucus):
- [
Stone of Emptiness ×100] is used to unseal this [random] box
Sticky Mucus ×1
Stone of Emptiness ×1-50
Unstable alternate dimension [Beg] ×2-10
Unstable alternate dimension [Int] ×2-10
- Obtainable from Purification Tower [4th Floor boss]
- [
Sticky Mucus [Shoes]:
- Cannot be enhanced via Vulcanus
- Can be enhanced via Atlas
- Part of [mercenary only] gear set
- Special Ability: Physical Damage Reduction [5%]
hi is there an update for 3F? personally i dont see any boss there.. so its safe to assume its useless floor?
Last I remember, there’s not much to that floor worth mentioning. Honestly didn’t care much for Purification Tower enough to delve further.